
Remember to vote for Parkade through U.S. Cellular.. Go to a store, grab a "calling all communities" card, go home and vote. That is all you do! Please ask all family and friends to help out too, from all over the country. Go here to find a store near you!

This week is the H1N1 vaccine at the school. Make sure your form has been signed and turn it in to the teacher.

December 12th is the Barnes and Noble Fundraising day. Buy anything in the store, the food area, etc.. and 15 to 25 percent will be donated to Parkade PTA. That will help the PTA budget money for field trips, 5th grade graduation, classroom supplies, etc.

Have a great week Panthers!!

Help Parkade win $100,000 from U.S. Cellular!!!

This is the letter going home this week! Please go to a store and vote!! Simple and NO obligations!

Friends, Parkade Elementary is signed up for “Calling All Communities” through U.S. Cellular!

This is a school with an amazing staff that puts their hearts into these kids. Over seventy percent of the students qualify for free and reduced lunches. Would you help us win $100,000 dollars?

Just walk into any U.S. Cellular store in the United States, ONE TIME before January 15th, Grab a 'Calling All Communities' card (No obligation to purchase or sign up), take the card home, and follow the directions on the card to vote for Parkade (zip code 65202). The top ten schools with the most votes, wins $100,000. Please ask family and friends (any city, anywhere) to do the same. Find a U.S. Cellular store near you at:

I know you may have family and friends in other schools, I know a lot of schools need the money, but I ask that you help this one school win this year, Parkade Elementary!


Parkade PTA

111 Parkade Blvd.

Columbia, Mo. 65202

Help needed!

We are a having our H1N1 flu clinic at school on December 2nd, Wednesday. We will need a few volunteers to escort the students back and forth from media center. If you can volunteer from 1:30 to 4, or anytime between those times, please email

PTA and the Parkade Nurses

US Cellular

We are official in the running for the $100,000 US Cellular prize... Go into a store and grab a "Calling All Communities" Card between now and January 15th. Take the card home and follow the four steps to sign up Parkade. You will NOT have to purchase anything and you do NOT have to receive emails if you uncheck the box. Please email Amy Larson with ANY questions... Parkade CAN win this... tell all family and friends, post it on your facebook, go in the store yourself, sign up PARKADE and we will win. Think of what we could do for the school!!

PTA meeting tonight at the school!

Come to the library tonight at 5:15. We will have two presentations tonight. One from US Cellular about the program for our school to win 100,000 dollars. The other presentation is from some people from "Away with Words and Numbers". Join us!!


Parent/Teacher conferences this week! No school on Friday. PTA meeting next Tuesday, November 17th. We will have a few presentations. The meeting starts at 5:15 in the library. Have a great week!
This is the place to find out all the latest news about the Parent-Teacher Association of Parkade Elementary of Columbia, Missouri. We're proud to be parents of Parkade Panthers. Visit here to find out the latest news. It starts in the heart!
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